Friday, November 17, 2006

The Introspective Spiral

A friend of mine recently wrote a post talking, among other things, about trees. This of course led me deep into thought and ultimately to the ultimate question: "If I Were a Tree What Tree Would I Be?" You can imagine the introspective spiral that followed.

My personal answer to that question is the Weeping Willow.

But I decided to do some research into the matter courtesy of Google.

One web test confirmed my own intuition. At first I was a little concerned about the site's assessment of the Willow (and my personality): "You are a Weeping Willow. You are a huge crybaby and no one likes you. Everybody wishes you would go away and leave them alone." But upon reflection I realized this was impossible. I could think of at least 3 people who had never told me to go away and leave them alone. I also realized that whatever answers you gave the quiz told you the exact same thing. Slightly suspicious.

Back to the drawing board...

I found another sight which tells you what tree you are based on your date of birth. Because I was born between September 3rd and 12th I am in fact... A Weeping Willow! Normally I do not approve of such random, arbitrary systems of ascription. But I approve of things I find flattering. Check this out:

Weeping Willow (the Melancholy) - likes to be stress free, loves family life, full of hopes and dreams, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful, musically inclined, loves to travel to exotic places, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with when pressured, sometimes demanding, good intuition, suffers in love until they find that one loyal, steadfast partner; loves to make others laugh.

That sounds close enough to me in a vague, interpret yourself into it, selective reading kind of way. Except for the negative qualities. Those don't apply. Demanding? I don't think so.

So in conclusion I am a Willow. And if I fell in the forest and no one was around I would make a lot of noise and curse my friends for abandoning me. And I would still like to know why the sky is blue.


lowonthego said...

hahaha i'm a weeping willow too.

Louise said...

I know a song about a weeping willow. It's very sad.
Jacquelyn has a picture of Chuck Norris- thought you'd like to know.

Jonathan P said...

Hehe, I finally decided to check out that site you posted. Apparently I'm a walnut, and holy crow but does that description describe me almost to a T.

Anonymous said...

Well when are ye gonna post your response to my response to your response on transubstantiation? I'm waiting for our debate to begin....


Ryan Lawrence said...

we can debate when i'm done all my essays. until then i'll let you drink your wine in piece.

Anonymous said...

hah ok, fair enough then. let me know when yer done with the buggers.


Beckers said...

This is ridiculous!! it says i'm a willow... "a huge crybaby and nobody likes you. Everyone wishes you would go away and leave them alone." WHAT?? i'm going to take the quiz again.. It better come up with something better, or i'll start crying and everyone will want me to go away.

Forget about the test... I've decided that i'll be a popler tree, because i love it's shimmering leaves. So there.

Beckers said...

oops. so i read the blog entry a little more carefully.. now i feel silly. I looked at the other test, and im a birch tree.

"Birch Tree (the inspiration) -- vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere."

Well, i feel better now. I like birch trees. They use to be my favorite.

Ryan Lawrence said...

what's your favorite tree now? the apricot or the almond?

Matt Hughes said...

Ryan, do you really want to know why the sky is blue?

I'm a Maple...

Ryan Lawrence said...

no, i know why its blue