Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Shaniah!

Today is Shaniah’s birthday.

Happy birthday to you Shaniah!!

In honor of your birthday I am putting up the cover of my birthday card from you, since it is pretty much the funniest thing that ever was.

I hope you have an excellent birthday.

And remember, it doesn’t matter how old you get, only how old you look, so time is definitely on your side.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Feelin' Kind-a 1984ish

I managed to find my own blog through Google.
You know what this measn don't you?
I need to do a better job of covering my tracks!
They're on to me...

No way am I bloging in Newspeak!
double plus yuck

(If you got that last referance in a small way you are my hero!)

"Freedom is the right to say 2+2=4. Once that is granted, all else follows.”
-George Orwell


Check it out, a bunch of my buddies got together and got me these for my birthday. Only problem is they doesn't work, so Andy Mac has to return them to the store. However, when I finally do get a working model it will be SWEET! I have wanted decent computer speakers ever since I got my new mac. Basically I have abandoned my CD player. Everything goes onto and is then played through my computer. This is especially convenient since my computer came with a nifty little remote. Only draw back is the sound isn't what I would like it to be. Can't wait till I have these bad boys hooked up. You just can't listen to music without a sub-woofer! It's just wrong on so many levels.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Growing Up Fast

Rooney went to the vet’s today for his last batch of shots, so he is now fully immunized. They weighed him and he’s up to 34.6 pounds. Not bad for a 3 and half month old. Every one at the vets office was impressed with how big he’s gotten. Also, I took him for a walk the other day and he sniffed his first fire hydrant! My puppy is growing up!!! Next thing you know he will be marking those hydrants and I will be so proud. He’s getting pretty good at sitting and lying down when he’s told to and he’s even starting to learn to stay. I can’t wait till the spring when he will be big enough to go for long walks down by the ravine. Even his bark is starting to change. He’s becoming scary! But he is still such a baby. It’s sad to think, the next time he goes to the vets will be for... well... its just too sad to say. Won’t be long till my puppy is a dog. Its hard being an owner.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Reasonable Request

I have a request to make, though i am not entirely sure who i am addressing it to. perhaps ideally to the entire non-Christian world, though i know how hopelessly large an audience that is. i also realize how isolated my bare expression is. but i have faith and i have hope and i am will to shout into the void, immeasurable it may seem. i wish to see every individual who does not know the Bible read the Bible and attempt a genuine understanding of it. in many ways this seems an impossible request. the literacy rate alone is a tremendous barrier. however we should already be attempting to combat illiteracy as is. beyond the technical aspects is this such an unreasonable thing to ask? that a thinking reasoning being somewhere within their many years of experience contemplate what is in all probability the most influential book ever written? if we as a society have not completely abandoned the quest for meaning then i think there can be nothing more reasonable. the Bible has changed the course of history as has no other book. millions have believed and believe it to be the divinely revealed perfect and complete Word of God. in many ways Christianity is the most controversial religion in our present age. certainly it is the religion most adversarially opposed by and opposed to the pluralism being cultivated by society at large. does it not make sense to know where one truly stands both past present and future in relation to the Good Book?

i realize that this is a large issue. too large to take on all at once in one blog entry. but i intend to come back to it. to explore more fully the logic and implications of such a request and to further clarify just what is it i am asking. but please, in the mean time comment. i want to know, does what i ask sound reasonable so far? or am i simply speaking meaningless bare ignorant dribble?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Note on Note Taking

If you have ever sat next to me in class you have probably notice that i don't take many notes. In fact in some classes i don't take notes at all. Especially in English courses (which means most of my courses). I just don't find notes helpful. When I go over them I usually remember most of the stuff and the stuff I don't remember seems pretty useless. I guess part of the reason for this is the fact that almost all my test have been long essay format: 1 question, 3 hours to answer it. But recently I absolutely had to take notes as part of a philosophy essay. The teacher made us hand them in with our assignment to prove we did prep work... so i did prep work in order to prove i did prep work... doesn't that sound futile? Anyway, my notes did actually prove to be helpful. Somehow they managed to morph into an argument as I wrote them and next thing i knew i had an argument for my paper! I am so happy with my notes I just have to post them. I even think they look nice on the page, despite my sloppy hand writing. Please forgive the many miss spellings and botched grammar. Even my syntax is sometimes wrong but, well, they're only notes. Wow, who no, this could be the beginning of a new, more studious me... just in time to graduate.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Annoying Dog

Basically from the moment he was big enough to climb onto it my dog Rooney has taken my bed over. He sleeps there whenever he wants, which is pretty much all day long. In case you don't know, growing puppies sleep, eat and poop a lot. At first it was just plain cute, but now its becoming a bit menacing for two reasons: 1) he keeps dragging dirt and grime onto my bed, 2) as he gets bigger and bigger he takes up more and more space. Anyone who has ever shared a bed with me knows I like to spread out (right Josh) and the dog is getting in the way. This is gonna be impossible when he reaches full size. Imagine sharing a bed with a 100 pound monster who also happens to snore really really loud. But, for now he is still cute enough that I let him get away with it.