Tuesday, July 25, 2006

So tomorrow I am supposed to be leading the wednesday night devotional at my church. Kind of a scary prospect! I am not exactly 100% prepared, which should be alright since I have all day tomorrow to get ready and it is only a short 15 minute talk. Still... its an intimidating prospect. So if you happen to read this posting before its too late please pray for me! I know I will be doing a lot of praying, because that is the only way this thing has any choice of working. Incidentally, if you are interested in hearing a grammatical analysis of Paul’s introduction in his Epistle to the Romans come by Markham Bible Chapel tomorrow at 7 p.m. (show up at 6 in you want a free diner). It should be interesting... one way or another...

Monday, July 24, 2006

So here is a Byron poem I have liked for a long time, though I have never been sure why. Read it and enjoy. Oh, and I think it's worth mentionioning that Leorard Cohen did a cover of it. Cool, eh!?

So We'll Go No More a-Roving

So we'll go no more a-roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart still be as loving,
And the moon still be as bright.

For the sword outwears its sheath,
And the soul outwears the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
And love itself have rest.

Though the night was made for loving,
And the day returns too soon,
Yet we'll go no more a-roving
By the light of the moon.

George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron

Sunday, July 23, 2006

partY hartY

Yikes! So its been awhile since I posted anything... Guess I'm getting kinda sloppy. Oh well, what can I say, there's been a lot of partying going on lately. Hey! My kitchen party went excellent. The food was actually good which is fairly surprising considering how little planning and co-ordination was involved. But, more importantly, we had a great time and I got to see some excellent people for the first time since gettting back from Africa. The day after that I spent the morning giving out frisbees (or disks as ppl call them) at an Ultimate tournament. The disks had one of those cool graphics that says one thing when you look at it one way and a completely different thing from another angle. They said "The Wages of sin is DEATH / The gift of God is LIFE." Cool eh? And we gave out tracts titled "Ultimate Questions" with them. I think is was a really great idea for an outrach (way to go Dave). Prayerfully those disks will get passed around a lot (literally) and people will see them and think. The day after that was Steve's birthday party scavenger hunt (happy birthday dude). That was pretty awsome. I love a good challenge and some of the tasks were way cool. My favourite was where we had to talk to a homeless person for 5 minutes and give them something. I dicided to share the gosple with a dude and then give him a sandwich. It was a nice rewarding experiance which just happened to earned me some points for the game. Tonight I was over at aMac's for his North Africa presentation. It wasn't quite as rockin' cool as the previous two days, but aMac did a great job breifing us on his trip and it was really exciting to hear what was going on. Also, I got to hang with Mr and Mrs McD which was a good time and a half. So as you can see I have had a really packed fews days, which is why I havn't been posting.What can I say... maybe I'm just too cool for blogging... or maybe not... no... deffinatly not...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

coDE 1ooo

So today I was standing around in the kitchen department of Ikea, with my good friend Andy Mac and my Mom, when over the intercome comes a deep and important sounding voices: Attention all staff, we have a code 1000 in full effect. Well, of course I don't know what a code 1000 is but I figured it was either a shoplifter or a MEGA sale. But then, next thing I know, alarms start going off and all the staff start hurrying us out of the building. All of a sudden we've gone from an ultra-violet show room to the side of a grassy kill next to the building and with store employees huring us away from the building, telling us to get in our cars and drive home immediatly. So we dash for the car and cut around the back of the store to avoid the total k-os going on in the main driveway and as we pull out there are Ikea employees in the middle of the road directing traffic, telling us when we have to go, and at that moment a cop car comes barelling down the street heading towards the store. As we pulll further away I can see more and more emergency vehicles arriving. They never told us what was going on, except that the store would be closed for at least 3 hours. My best guess is that there was a bomb threat: what else could clear the place so fast? They seemed far too panicked for it to have been a fire or anything else I can imagine. Anyway, what this all brings me to is the fact that a couple days ago I mentioned that one of the pictures in my Ikea instructionms looked like a frsutraited customer rigging the store with explosives. Mear co-incidence? I think not! Man, you guys have to stop taking me so literally...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Okay, I am gonna make this short becasue i still have a lot of work to do on my kitchen. I'm falling behind schedual and I have to be ready for the big kitchen party! But a few people are a bit confused about the concept behing what's going on, so I wil explain. Ideally everyone should bring an ingrediant of two. No pre-prepaired food! Just raw materials. We will look at everything we have, all of our randome stuff, and see what we can make with it. Whatever we end up with, that's what we are using, and all of it and nothing but it! So dinner is essentially a mystery and will either taste really good or amazingly bad. But either way it will be fun! (I hope!)
This is one of my attemps at a poem. Let me know what you think if you happen to have veiws, opinions or feeling son such things.

blind ASSasin

you're like a blind assassin,
and its not even funny.
you just stand there,
looking stunned and confused;
with me all the while
waiting on nothing.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Well, my kitchen is almost done and I am so excited! Andrew came over today and we worked together on installing the cabinets. It was a bit slow and tedious at times, but all and all a great time full of manly goodness! Yep there were power tools, hammers and tape measurers, the saw dust was flying and everywhere the glorious, prevasive stench of sweat. So much fun. We also watched an instructional video from IKEA which only taught us that kitchen installations are fun for the whole family, including infacts and dogs. Also, I am pretty sure that one of the instruction diagrams showed I a guy who had rigged an IKEA store with explosives; he was probably just frustrated from having to deal with the instruction diagrams himself. Anyway, Andrew and I got a lot done and afterward we headed out to the driving range for some more manlyness. Yep, the only thing more manly that cutting stuff is hitting things. Incidently my golf game needs a lot of work! But at least the kitchen should be done for friday.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Not sure what to write. Very tired, very drained. Desire for sleep is strong. So I will just leave you with a poem and I leave it up to you to decide what i means. All I know is it is beautifully writen. But then it's by Coleridge, so what do you expect? Good night.

Something Childish, But Very Natural

If I had but two little wings
And were a little feathery bird,
To you I'd fly, my dear!
But thoughts like these are idle things,

And I stay here.

But in my sleep to you I fly:
I'm always with you in my sleep!
The world is all one's own.
But then one wakes, and where am I?
All, all alone.

Sleep stays not, though a monarch bids:
So I love to wake ere break of day:
For though my sleep be gone,
Yet while 'tis dark, one shuts one's lids,
And still dreams on.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Sunday, July 16, 2006

On the subject of theme parties...


As you may or may not know lately I have been working on building a kitchen in my basement. It's a bit on the small side and it probably won't get used much, but my parents really wanted one down there and I'm not going to complain if someone wants to give me access to a stove and fridge, even if it does mean a lot of work. Anyway, the kitchen is almost done, and to celibrate I am planing a kitchen warming party and all my friends are invited (which may very well include you!!). So here is the deal: This friaday (July 21st) come to my house around 7:30ish or whenever really. Anyway just come on over and if you can, bring some ingrediants. Not finished, prepaired food. I don't want any of that junk. I want raw unrefined materials. We are going to break my kitchen in by cooking up a storm. I'm not sure what we will end up making; I guess it depends on what people bring. By the way, we will be using everything that people bring! So the recipies might get kinda interesting. And YES, I am prepaired to order pizza in the event of a culinary emergency. Anyway, it should be fun, if not toxic, and my kitchen will get a nice working over in the process!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Happy BiRThday dAD !!

Today was my dad's birthday so... Happy Birthday Dad! It was a pretty decent day really. We went out to eat and had a nice meal during which we talked mainly about how everyone in the middle-east is killing eachother and about the varrying reactions to the conlfict on the internatrional scene. Yep, some nice light dinner conversation. It actually got pretty intense. We weren't yelling at eachother really; we were just yelling at the all polititions who are too far removed to hear or care about what we we saying. I actually stated to wonder if we were disterbing the tables around us. My dad can get pretty worked up about America's selfserving international agenda. For his birthday my mom got my dad an iPod. Yep! My dad - my 58 year old dad about to retire dad- has an 4Gig iPod Nano. A Birthday gift most teenagers would be jelous of. He really seems to like it. So far I havn't heard any complaints, and beleive me, if there were complaints I would here. Now everyone in my family has an iPod. Just goes to show you how media driven we are. Four people and Four iPods. According to Apple we have enough memory between us to store 3,125 songs. Pretty insane eh?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Blogg the FiRst (1sT)

Well, here we go... my first blogg entry... Yikes!!! No pressure or anything! Let's face it, this is kinda like a first date; if I don't nail this blogg entry then everyone (if anyone) who checks it out is going to walk away and stay away and i will end up writing into a lonely abyss. So, like on a first date, it is my job to be whitty, intellgient, insightful, enterttaining, but never overpowering and above all else devistatingly handsome... well maybe not handsome. Its hard to write handsomly... I think??? However, unlike a first date I don't have to worry that that I'm talking about myself too much, becasue that's kind of the whole point of a blogg. So I guess you should get ready for a whole lot of ME! But then again, like a first date it is important not to just throw everything out there at once, becasue then you just seem desperate. People can smell desperation and it is not a pleasing odour. So I will just start out by telling you about the name of my blogg: Bazooka-Jehosaphat. Well, I was joking the other day with a friend of mine about my deminishing ambitions as a writer, and telling her that I would be ahppy enough writing gum-wrapper comics for Bazooka Joe. But seeing how I'm a Christian and pledged to do everything towards the glorification of the Lord it would have to be Christian gum... i.e. Bazooka Jehosaphat. Not a bad idea eh?... I'm sure you could market them on the counters of Christian bookstores, right next to the Sacra-mints. Or maybe not... Anyway, that's where the name comes from, and its really fitting becasue this is a pretty unambitious writing project. But hey, its better than eating pine cones.