Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Days of My Life

The days seem busy these days.
Saturday past was my church’s college and careers Bible study which i hosted in my basement. The study itself was good, though crowded. My dog was the center of attention all night long. Even when he finally fell asleep he snored louder than most people talk. I ended up spending a lot of time cooking that day. But it was worth it and my mini pizzas were a whopping hit. the secret is to use english-muffins for the crust: quick and tasty!
Sunday was, well, sunday, which means lots of time at church. Fortunately it wasn’t my turn to teach sunday school; I only had to monitor and supervise which is good seeing as I didn’t get much sleep after cleaning up from the Bible study. In between church services I watched the Packers loose - yet again - with Danny and Tim. By the time evening service finished and the day was over I felt near catatonic, which probably explains my dangerous driving coming come. Some guy tried to cut me off and I virtually drag-raced him. It was dumb, but I can’t stand rude drivers and, like I said, I was zonked.
Today I had to go into campus early and line up for a ridiculously long time to get a ridiculously rare book for my Checkhov course. I then spent a good chunk for the morning reading said book before going to class. But hey, reading Checkhov is a joy so I’m not complaining about that. My class, however, is a different matter. I won’t go into tedious details about it when the fact is the class is just plain tedious. But I did get to finish off my day on campus by hanging with the amazingly cool Andrea Morel for a bit. Poor Drea, she has a 7.5 hour gap in between her monday classes. Unreal!
Tomorrow I have Philosophy class in the morning and then the bulk of my day will go into getting ready for the youth group thing I’m supposed to lead at church in the evening. It’s off the hook man! I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. The leader’s manual they promised me hasn’t come in yet, so I’m gonna have to make everything up from scratch. Then, in the evening, I have to go and actually make this joint happen. Shouldn’t be a problem. I have faith. Still, who wants to look like a dunce in front of a group on teenagers?
Wednesday upcoming, a day of rest perhaps. More likely an opportunity to prepare for sunday school, do some course readings and research, and meditate on a talk I am preparing for the not too distant future. But the evening will be bliss. Coffee downtown with my adopted little sister lydia low! Who knows, we may even crash into some used book stores. Oh life is so very good!
Thursday upcoming, philosophy in the morning, a world of possibilities in the evening.
Friday upcoming, anyone want to go see a movie? Give me a call!


lowonthego said...

we did crash into some used bookstores...


A used bookstore

Ryan Lawrence said...

yes we did. and i stumbled into a precious rare book. thank you muchly for a great afternoon. you are most definatly a wonderful little sister lydia

Beckers said...

"It's off the hook man!"

--groan!! (n, a low, mournful sound uttered in pain or grief)