Saturday, September 02, 2006

Something Fishy Goin' On

I cooked catfish today! Doesn’t that sound impressive? I think it does, especially when you consider who did the cooking. Sure, it tasted like feet, but that’s not the point. The point is I cooked it and it was sanitary. Isn’t that worth something? Aren't you semi-impressed? Remember, the lower you keep your expectations the higher you’ll soar!


Matt Hughes said...

How did you get your hands on a catfish? And where on earth did you find a recipe?? I'm very impressed, Ryan.

Ryan Lawrence said...

its not so hard matt. most grocery stores carry a variety of fish. really there is no telling exactly what they will have at any time. sometiems they will have catfish, sometimes not. as for the recipe, fish is easy to cook. just bake on a lightly greased sheet at a moderate tempertaure (around 350) for about 10-15 min or untill the fish is nice and flaky, but NOT crumbly. the only diffcult part is seasoning, which i think i messed up, but many types of fish, such as orange ruffy (my fav.) taste great unseasoned. maybe just a light lemon butter sauce and its ummumm good. give it a try man. and let me know how it goes.