Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Note on Note Taking

If you have ever sat next to me in class you have probably notice that i don't take many notes. In fact in some classes i don't take notes at all. Especially in English courses (which means most of my courses). I just don't find notes helpful. When I go over them I usually remember most of the stuff and the stuff I don't remember seems pretty useless. I guess part of the reason for this is the fact that almost all my test have been long essay format: 1 question, 3 hours to answer it. But recently I absolutely had to take notes as part of a philosophy essay. The teacher made us hand them in with our assignment to prove we did prep work... so i did prep work in order to prove i did prep work... doesn't that sound futile? Anyway, my notes did actually prove to be helpful. Somehow they managed to morph into an argument as I wrote them and next thing i knew i had an argument for my paper! I am so happy with my notes I just have to post them. I even think they look nice on the page, despite my sloppy hand writing. Please forgive the many miss spellings and botched grammar. Even my syntax is sometimes wrong but, well, they're only notes. Wow, who no, this could be the beginning of a new, more studious me... just in time to graduate.


Beckers said...

unbelievable. actual class notes... I'm speechless.

Ryan Lawrence said...

i figured if anyone would understand just how shocking this is it would be you.

amac said...

i can't believe u don't take notes. such a punk