Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Well, my kitchen is almost done and I am so excited! Andrew came over today and we worked together on installing the cabinets. It was a bit slow and tedious at times, but all and all a great time full of manly goodness! Yep there were power tools, hammers and tape measurers, the saw dust was flying and everywhere the glorious, prevasive stench of sweat. So much fun. We also watched an instructional video from IKEA which only taught us that kitchen installations are fun for the whole family, including infacts and dogs. Also, I am pretty sure that one of the instruction diagrams showed I a guy who had rigged an IKEA store with explosives; he was probably just frustrated from having to deal with the instruction diagrams himself. Anyway, Andrew and I got a lot done and afterward we headed out to the driving range for some more manlyness. Yep, the only thing more manly that cutting stuff is hitting things. Incidently my golf game needs a lot of work! But at least the kitchen should be done for friday.

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