Monday, August 14, 2006

Lately I have been trying to get better at doing my Bible Studies. Since I finished reading through the Good Book for the first time, which was about three months ago, I have been struggling in my attempts to make the Word part of my day to day life. I guess the problems is just lack of direction. Before it was simple, clear and systematic. I was just reading everything in order. Everyday I would pick up my Bible, turn to where I had left off, and simply read on. But now there is more too it. Reading alone isn’t enough, I’m supposed to “study”. Also, I have abandoned the idea of going at it in order, Old Testament through New. But then how do I choose which book to read and what exactly am I supposed to do to study it? Well I tried starting with the Book of James, since it is just about my favorite. But it is just too daunting a book when you don’t even know how you want to approach it. In the end I gave up and decided to start with the Book of Esther. I think it was a wise move. Esther is a really interesting book, but not too heavy on theology. A nice, engaging, fast paced read with some very awesome messages. Every night I would read a chapter in Esther and then afterwards go back through the chapter line by line with the aid of a couple study Bibles, make notes. Now that I’m done with Esther I have moved on to the Gospel of Mark and so far its been going fine, other than the fact that I’m accumulating a lot of notes. So far I’m a third of the way through chapter 1 and have taken almost three pages worth of notes. At this rate it will take me forever to get through the book and I will produce enough notes to wallpaper my basement. I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing or not. Not sure if I should be less precise in my not taking or what? I mean it seems like a lot of notes to be taking. But at least I feel like I’m learning a lot. Oh well. I guess there is no one correct way to BS. Any ideas?


Matt Hughes said...

I don't know if it's possible to be getting too much knowledge out of the bible. Hey maybe if you can keep it up you will be able to tell us the date of Christ's return...

MontrealWhole30 said...

I would suggest following the Inductive Bible Study style. I know a lot of fans of that strategy, and it seems to produce only a few pages of notes.